Tuesday, March 9, 2010


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For my project I will be photographing the small hole in the wall auto repair shops, not the chain repair shops, in east and south Texas. I will be photographing them from their fronts, also inside the shops (if they will allow me to) and even photograph the owners/managers in the office. I will be looking and showing how they are the same and different. I hope to get a better understanding of what is their reason of, why they are a repair shop? Did they sell gas at anytime? Over the years have they (the shops) changed?

The station and repair shop use to be one place. Motorists knew them as “filling stations” or “service stations”. They would fill your car with gas and check your oil, even do major repairs. When the car era started they need more up keep, that’s why there was so many of the of the stations. They split apart because the cars became more computerized and higher quality.

1 comment:

  1. Love your idea and I am looking forward to seeing your work.
